Thursday, June 18, 2020

Why I chose to home educate.

Why I chose to home educate.

Below are some of the reasons that I chose to home educate.

v It feels natural. An extension of parenting that allows you to journey with your children as they grow.
v It gives my children the freedom to explore and learn.
v It allowed my children to follow their interests – Child led learning.
v To enable my children to progress at a natural pace for them. No holding back or pushing.
v Gives us the time to develop life skills.
v It encourages learning in the real world with people of all ages and backgrounds.
v Gives us more opportunities to travel and explore the world.
v Took away the pressures of excessive testing and exams.
v There are no time limits of activities and learning that is being enjoyed.
v Children get more 1 -1 time.
v Allows us to enjoy and practice our faith.
v Gives us the opportunity to live as sustainably as possible.

Some bonus reasons my children shared:
v We get to have more experiences.
v If we don’t understand something, we can get it explained in dept lots of times.
v We get to do work on the beach and in the woods.
v I can be myself and not worry what others will think.
v I have more time for my interests.

These are a few of my top reasons. Having a background in teaching I just felt that the classroom was becoming more restrictive to children and teachers. It caters for one type of child who learns in a specific way. This learning style is directed at the ever increasing number of tests and assessments that students are given year upon year. Creativity was not celebrated the way it should be and children are not encouraged to question or be critical. I can still remember at a parents evening when I was told my 7 year old boy asks too many questions. As a teacher I can understand that it is not possible to allowed unlimited questions from 20+ students but as a parents and educator it broke me. That inquisitive nature was being crushed. 

Home education for me was allowing my children an opportunity to learn in a style that suits them, at a pace that suits them, in many different stimulating environments. They have taught me more about teaching than all of my training and education.

It is definitely not the easy option and I cannot possible say if we will be home educating in 5 years from now. Seasons and family needs change and we have to go with the flow. It is not for everyone and I give my children the choice to attend school if they want. Whatever happens, I aim to instill a love of learning in my children and equip them with skills that will help them navigate as they grow up in the 21st century.  

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