Saturday, October 3, 2020

Learning theories - which is the best way to teach?

 With rising anxiety levels in children and teacher recruitment in crisis, the education system needs a overhaul. 

Some national are starting to make the move and change things in curriculum and pedagogy but are they going far enough?

 Which way is right? Do they all have pros and cons? Is the answer to use the best bits from each theory? 

All I know is that we need to bring back the joy of learning to students and prepare them for a fast paced changing world. 

I will look at four different theories of learning and how they affect and are implemented in the classrooms.

* Behaviorism

* Experiential 

* Dialogic 

* Participatory 

Behaviourism is the learning theory that is the most traditional and although it may be seen as 'old fashioned' still permeates many classrooms. 

The main features of this learning theory is to modify learners behaviour by rewards for positive behaviour and punishment for behaviour considered negative. The idea is to maintain the control and motivation of the learner. 

Things such as reward charts and detentions are used in this method. It is built on rigid routines. 

A behavioursit classroom with often have the same look. Children all facing forwards towards a teacher at the front of the class. A teacher giving a lesson, questions being asked that require recall and are answered with a hand in the air. Lessons are often based on a activities such a worksheet that reinforces the lesson through recall. 

Experiential learning theory defines learning as 'the process whereby knowledge is created through the transformation of experience. Knowledge results from the combination of grasping and transforming experience' (Kolb, 1984, p.41).

The idea is that learning happens when experiencing something new and creating new mental processes from this. Learning is seen as a cognitive process in which individuals mental process and changed and developed through experiences.

Piaget (1936) saw the process of new experiences are seen and interpreted through the meanings already held by the individual:

Assimilation: building new experiences into existing Schemata (ways of organizing thinking about the world.) through processes.

Accommodate: Building new schemata where necessary for new idea

Children are curious and involved in their own learning. An example of a experiential classroom is a Montessori classroom, where children make creative choice in their learning. The environment is set up to allow free choice of hands on learning with different tools and activities.

Dialogic learning theories are based on the ideas that communication and dialogue are the ways that higher mental processes are brought to the individual. Thinking and communication are seen as entwined with learning and development.

Dialogic is distinct from behaviourist based teaching question -answer, listen - tell. 

Dialogic learning requires:

* Interaction that encourages children to think (think in different ways).

* Questions that encourage more that a simple recall answer.

* Answers that are justified, followed up and built on.

* Feedback that encourages, informs and leads forward thinking.

* Professional engagement with subject matter that liberates classroom discourse.

* Classroom organization and climate that enables the above to take place (seating with students facing each other for example).

Participatory learning theory focusing on learning happening through collaborative communities. 

The main ideas are that students are co-constructors of their learning. They have a say in what and how they learn.  The benefits of working in a community is that learning happens between individuals, problem solving happens and ideas and knowledge are shared. New practices and knowledge are created - innovation happen.

The teachers role is is to provide opportunities, to facilitate and direct where needed.

If we think back to a time before schools were institutions that children attended - children learnt in their communities, from extended families, neighbours and community members.

In the participatory classroom it is necessary to call on others in the community and learn communally.


Each theory is important in different ways but for me the behaviorist classroom is best left in the past.

Dialogic, experiential and participatory learning theories all have aspects of allowing students to make decisions and take some control over their learning and how they learn. I don't think I could pick one as each has benefits and creates opportunities. 

Experiences are what we live for, dialogue and communication is key for furthering our own thoughts and communities and learning from participation is essential to move forward.

The joy has been lost in learning and in my opinion teaching and I think the lack of teacher agency has a lot to do with it. Teachers are struggling to creatively teach 30 children in a class outdated curricula.

The time for memorising facts is over; the 21st  century calls for new skills such as critical thinking, creativity, collaboration and more. 

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